Welcome to Compassionate Accompaniment CIC (Community Interest Company), a not for profit social enterprise. We are helping people to live with more compassion and kindness in themselves and their relationships. Whether we are experiencing isolation, anxiety, grief, loss, exhaustion, chronic illness, cancer, dying...we are connected and can find support.
How we can help: We offer 1:1 Compassionate Companion and group both in person and online sessions for:
- self compassion/well being
- grief and loss
- end of life accompaniment
Compassionate Companion sessions can help you to create compassionate care practices that you can use daily. More and more studies are showing that compassionate care is hugely beneficial to our well being and can help to prevent illness and alleviate chronic health conditions. Compassionate Companion sessions can help bring balance to the relationship you have with yourself as well as relationships with others in your life.
Who else do we work with? (All sessions below offered in person except SAF in US)
- Maggie’s Cancer Care Forth Valley
- NHS Forth Valley (bereavement support)
- The British Red Cross (refugee support)
- Kurdish Women’s Community Group (Glasgow)
- The Sensory Awareness Foundation (SAF), (USA)
Compassionate Companion sessions and Share Our Table Gatherings help to restore a sense of belonging and connection in ourselves and our communities.
Caring for ourselves helps us to care for the world.